Vergers’ Guild of the Episcopal Church

The Vergers Guild of the Episcopal Church (VGEC) was formed in 1989 by current members of the VGEC and members of the Church of England Guild of Verger (CEGV). Both organisations supports the ministry of vergers, sacristans, worship leaders, altar guild members, and more. Although the position may have many different names, we all identify with the historic name and work of the verger.

A verger is a member of a church who works under the direction of their rector, vicar, or priest-in-charge, to assist with the organization and operation of worship services in the Episcopal Church in the United States, the Anglican Church of Canada, the Church of England, and world-wide throughout the Anglican Communion. There are vergers in many other churches as well and all are welcome.


Current members of the CEGV are able to become associate members of the VGEC—and vis versa—with no need to pay any additional subscriptions. Reciprocal membership is not automatically applied as an application should be made.

Members of the VGEC should make direct contact with our Overseas Membership Officer at 
Members of the CEGV should contact

A Memorandum of Understanding has been issued and ratified by both Guilds.