Welcome to the website of the Church of England Guild of Vergers. We hope that you find this a useful resource and will use it often. The website has been designed to keep members of the Guild informed about our activities, both our social events and the Guild Diploma. We aim to provide a resource of useful material to encourage new members – particularly those who feel they have a vocation within the Church of England to one of the many forms of lay ministry under the wide-ranging title of Verger.
Each Verger is at the forefront of the Church’s ministry of hospitality, welcome, care (of people, buildings and sacred things) and outreach in one form or another. Ours is a vitally important task and whatever your particular range of duties or title. We hope you will find great enjoyment and fulfilment in your role and make many friends in this historic Guild community.
Please check our tab The Virger, for our past magazines and the Gallery section which shows vergers at work and play. Our Diploma Course outlines our training activities. We hope that you find this a useful resource and will use it often.
If you have any further questions, or wish to know more about the Guild, nationally or in your area, do please contact one of the National Officers. The first port of call is usually the General Secretary. If you are considering joining the Guild and would like information and advice about Membership etc…please contact the General Secretary.
To contact the General Secretary click here: CEGVGenSec@gmail.com
or write to:
The General Secretary
The Church of England Guild of Vergers
124 City Road
To contact any of the other National Officers please visit the National Contacts page.
John Kirby-Shearer, MA, Dip GV (Honoris), FCEGV
National Chairman
Safeguarding Policy
Please click on the following link for more information on our Safeguarding Policy to contact the Safeguarding Officer please email via: CEGVSafeguarding@gmail.com
Data Protection
Please click on the following link for more information on our Data Protection Policy: GDPR