Job Vacancies

Posting a Job Vacancy

If you have a job advert that you wish be displayed on this website please contact the Media Officer. We make no set charge for posting job adverts, but we do ask for a donation towards Guild funds, the Media Officer ( can provide more information upon request. When sending the job advert details we need the details in the following order:

1. Picture or Logo
2. Job Location + Name of Church/Parish
3. Job Title
4. Salary and Bonus Details + Hours
5. Job Description + Other Requirements e.g. DBS Check
6. Closing Date + Interview Date
7. Contact Details

You can include a picture but the picture will be scaled down (this scaling will differ from around 60px x 100px to around 230px x 60px depending on image shape) images can only be in the following formats: .jpg, .gif, .bmp or .png.

Any Documents and application forms need to be in one of the following formats:

  • Microsoft Word .doc/.docx
  • Apple Pages .pages
  • adobe .pdf
  • Text .txt

Publisher documents (.pub) aren’t allowed on the website due to security concerns but will be translated into adobe PDF format in read/print format.